Hi All!!

We just finished our second week in Beaumont, Texas and had an incredible time there!

This past week we had a group from Minnesota join us as we partnered alongside Nehemiah’s Vision to help with Hurricane Relief. Each small group was sent to a different house to help in whatever way was asked of them, and boy oh boy did they do so with open arms and hearts.

It seems as if every week the Lord keeps expanding my vision so that I can see the world from His eyes, so that I could understand in the slightest of how much He loves us here on earth.  He calls us to be sent, He calls us to leave our comfort zones and step out into the battlefield and fight. But I think this idea of a battlefield is a little different than what would typically come to mind. The war has already been fought, the war is over, He already won. We don’t face a fight to win His love, we face a fight to insure that we never lose sight of that love. We fight so that others may know the authentic love of Jesus.

When the Lord calls us into mission, there is something so much greater than building the physical world that has been damaged. Please don’t get me wrong, that is so incredibly important, but perhaps He is asking us to stand in between and be a vessel to allow Him to fix the hearts that have fallen asleep to His miraculous power.

With each group that joins us throughout the summer, this idea of a greater mission keeps shinning brighter in my heart. I don’t have many words to express all that the Lord has done, but all I can really say is WOW, God is so good.

In Him,
