My name is Richard Hilton. I am a contractor from Los Altos, California. I was raised as a devout Catholic but fell away from the faith as a teenager. By God’s eternal mercy and grace I was brought back to our beautiful faith 3 years ago. Shortly after my return to the faith I read about Saint Maximillian Kolbe and his consecration to our Blessed Lady and have tried in every way I know how to consecrate my life to Her and follow her simple message of “Yes to the Lord”.

I reached out to CMT last spring looking for an opportunity to share my many years of construction experience with young people in a way that would give Glory to God and serve the needs of those in desperate need. I have spent 4 weeks this last year with CMT on missions as well as helping on some remote projects. I can honestly say that this year has truly been the most impactful of my life and am so blessed that CMT has brought me into their family.

I have been asked to help with training mission leaders next year in preparation for an amazing summer and to serve as CMT’s contractor in Eastern Kentucky for as much of the summer as I possibly can. I look forward to meeting with each and every one of you who chooses to work for CMT and volunteer to serve in Eastern Kentucky next summer.

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I am serving as a contractor for the spring mission trips in Gallup, New Mexico and the summer mission trips in Eastern KY. My summer begins in May, where I will be assisting with training the mission leaders on construction basics, followed by several weeks of mission trips in Eastern KY. We serve in areas areas of chronic poverty and in communities that have been affected by natural disasters. Jenkins, KY meets both of these, having experienced a 1000 year flood in July 2022. Our projects mainly consist of home, school, and church repair and renovation. We have the honor of working alongside the Missionaries of Charity in the first rural home established by Saint Mother Teresa in the United States. This summer, our other teams will be serving in New Orleans, LA, Lake Charles, LA, South Texas, Puerto Rico, Belize, and the Dominican Republic.
Our expected work project expenses for 2023 total approximately $100,000. My personal goal is to raise between $5,000-$10,000 to ensure that we have the funds necessary for building supplies, given the astronomical rise in building supply costs. I am excited to share with you my journey with God as a missionary and invite you to partner with us to complete our work projects for so many families in need! ““Some go to the missions, others give to the missions. Without both there are no missions.” Will you consider coming along with us through your financial support as we seek to restore homes for those living in terrible conditions? Please consider joining us on mission by making a one-time or recurring donation to support the work projects in New Mexico & East Kentucky with Catholic Mission Trips, Inc. Your prayers and financial support will bring hope and restore dignity to the families we serve. 
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    Catholic Mission Trips, Inc.

    43321 Wayside Circle

    Ashburn, VA 20147