Hi there! My name is Rebecca (Becca for short!), and I am a rising junior at the University of Dallas in Irving, Texas. I am from Boxborough, Massachusetts, the oldest of six, and have been blessed with a beautiful Catholic community, both at home and at UD, that constantly seeks to share Christ’s joy with those around them. My hobbies include acting, singing, running, drawing, and reading, and I am a big fan of all coffee-related activities. My life is primarily centered on God and family; my favorite memories involve spending time with my parents and siblings, playing games, cooking, watching movies, and performing in the family band!

As a diehard English major passionate about great literature, I believe that stories shape us, and the stories we tell are even more important than the stories we hear. My story is a journey into the richness of the Catholic faith and continues to be so by the grace of God alone. Through Youth Ministry, I hope to share this richness with the next generation, who, by God’s grace, will one day tell their own stories to “be witnesses unto [Christ]…to the uttermost ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

Join My Support Team!

I am serving with a team of young adult mission leaders to run week-long international and domestic mission trips. This summer, our teams will be serving in Eastern, KY, New Orleans, LA, Lake Charles, LA, South Texas, Puerto Rico, Belize, and the Dominican Republic. My summer begins in May with two weeks of missionary training, followed by 9 weeks of intense service, and a debrief retreat at the end. We serve in areas that have been affected by natural disasters and in areas of chronic poverty. Our projects mainly consist of home, school, and church repair and renovation. We have the honor of working alongside several religious communities, including the Missionaries of Charity, the Pallottine Sisters, and the Comunidad Misionera de Villaregia.
Beyond the great physical work of rebuilding, our mission teams will run retreats for our mission group, opening up the door for the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of those who serve with us. We start each day with Mass, give formational reflections in the evening, facilitate small group discussions, and bring the groups to adore Jesus Blessed Sacrament and to receive His mercy in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Wow! It is such an impactful week for the community we serve, the groups who come to serve with us, for us as mission leaders, and you as mission partners.
Our expected work project expenses for 2024 total approximately $100,000. My personal goal is to raise $6,000. I am excited to share with you my journey with God as a missionary and invite you to become one of my mission partners. Everything that we have is from God and everything that we give is from God. Where is God asking you to invest?  Please consider joining me on mission by making a one-time or recurring donation to support the work of Catholic Mission Trips, Inc. Your prayers and financial support will bring hope and restore dignity to the families we serve. We would be honored to have you partner with us at $50-$100 a month. I look forward to connecting with you and experiencing mission together! Thank you for joining my support team!
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    Catholic Mission Trips, Inc.

    43321 Wayside Circle

    Ashburn, VA 20147