Hello everyone my name is Stephany! A couple of young adults and I, decided to leave home and answer Gods call to serve him this summer. Coming from all over the United States we all met in Culpeper, Virginia to start our training as the new CMT mission staff for the summer.
The love that we have received here is so amazing. The community has come together to provide meals for us every night and also we have had such an amazing host family that has allowed all eight strangers to stay in their home. Every family we have encountered has welcomed us with open arms the past two weeks. We have attended daily mass at Precious Blood here in town and trained in their annex. We have given each other our personal testimony, learned how to lead games with our group, prepared our talks for the summer, sorted our tools and work supplies. bonded as a small CMT community and really shared the joy and love for Christ that we all have with each other.
We were able to go to Washington D.C. and attend mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. We spent time eating lunch with the Sisters of Las Servidoras Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of Matara. We had the privilege to lead the youth of Precious Blood in games at their youth night. We have taken a hike at Shenandoah National Park as a group. I also got to celebrate my birthday with everyone here. I am so blessed to be here!
- Grace, Carly, and John
- Jasmine, Micheal, and I
- Jasmine and I
- The teens playing sleeping bag relay
- Steve guiding teen
- National park
- Basillica
- Michelle, steve, emilly and I
- The group at my B-day dinner
This evening we will get to start our programming and learn how it all works. Our training here in Culpeper will come to an end in a few short days, but the things we have learned here and the bonds we have created have prepared us to lead and serve God this summer. I thank God for giving me such amazing people to be able to train with and go lead teens with this summer! Even though we will be splitting up into two groups, I know God has many things waiting for us! Good Luck and my God bless us on our summer! Love y’all and thank you so much to everyone who made these two weeks of training possible for us!
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us!
Juan Diego, Pray for US!
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