Mission Report

St. Joseph Youth
from Farmington, MO
on mission to
New Orleans, LA

July 4-July 10, 2021

CHOSEN John 15:16
& SENT John 20:21

We are so grateful for St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church, Fr. John Talamo Jr. and Deacon Tommy Beyer for welcoming us for Daily Mass, Adoration &, Confession.

“The overall faith building and daily Mass which I have never done before was beautiful.”


“I enjoyed working on the house for Mr. McGee and the small group discussions.”

“Watching the kids grow in their faith has lit a new fire!”


“My faith has grown in excess to my expectations. However the manner in which it has grown was not in an aspect of my life I expected, but the one I needed.”

Thank you to Holy Spirit Catholic Church & Fr. Pat for hosting us for dinner!

“I learned some much about the Catholic religion and about God’s love. My faith is stronger and that was the goal.”


“I enjoyed the small groups and learning about how to look at people and not their sins. I also enjoyed not having my phone so that we were forced to build authentic relationships.”


“I just feel so close to Jesus in a way I never have before. I learned so much more about my faith. I will never forget the CMT Staff and what they showed me.”

“This mission trip exceeded my expectations, I didn’t expect to become this close with God or to be changed in my faith this month.”

We want to thank Patsy & Pastor Ed at Aurora Methodist Church for providing lodging for our group in their volunteer housing center to make this mission trip possible. 

We are so proud of our missionaries from Farmington, Missouri! A special thanks to their pastor and families for the faith to send them out to have an incredible experience bringing Christ to the community of NOLA. I want to honor Mandy, Jake and Sam for their love and devotion for each of these teens! This group is planning to send the youth group to the Native American Reservation missions in New Mexico with CMT next summer as well as a group of adults to our mission in Belize!  We pray these teens will continue to be a warm furnace of life for each other as they return home to build the Kingdom of God in a new way like they never have before. Come, Holy Spirit!

Viva Cristo Rey,
Megan Yedkois
Director of Missions

By |2021-08-09T21:22:25-04:00August 9th, 2021|Latest News|0 Comments

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