Mission Report
John Paul the Great Montessori Academy
from Front Royal, Virginia

on mission to 
Harlan, Kentucky
October 24-30, 2021

“As the Father has sent Me, so I send you.”
-John 20:20

The 10th & 11th grade of JPGMA traveled about 7 hours across their state to come serve in one of the poorest areas in the U.S. in the Appalachian mountains.

Day 1: The Missionaries of Charity, Mother Teresa’s sisters, invited us to Daily Mass in their convent. This is the first rural mission Mother Teresa opened in the U.S. The sister’s originally opened a rehab home for women. The sister’s currently serve at the local parish, respond to needs of their neighbors, and provide home visits to the elderly. Before our arrival, the sisters discovered their neighbor’s home was in shambles and asked if we could help repair her home so she would not freeze to death in the winter season. When we arrived her ceiling was falling apart. Thank God for the new roof so we could begin repairing!

We cleaned up, tore out the old ceiling, and rolled in new insulation.

Day 2: We went to Ms. Josie’s house: external repairs, sheet rock, and insulation. 

“This mission trip has helped me to see the face of Christ in people.”
-JPGMA mission trip participant.

“I feel very satisfied that we helped people who felt alone or unwanted. I loved being able to go on a trip with my friends & become closer to them. I also loved that we were able to bring hope to the people we served & to make them smile. I also loved being able to go to the chapel everyday! “
-JPGMA mission trip participant.

“The holy hour brought me a lot of peace. I really enjoyed working with everyone and learning new things about building and seeing the fruits of our efforts on the houses, but also the joy it gave to the people we were helping. This mission trip gave me time to grow in a deeper, personal relationship with Christ & Our Lady.”
-JPGMA mission trip participant.

Day 3 Insulating for Ms. Judy.

“This mission trip has made me more aware of all the people around us who are less fortunate, and reminded me to do good unto others for the greater glory of God.”
-JPGMA mission trip participant.

“I loved working at the worksites, helping Sue, Judy, & Josie. I also loved our time in prayer, music & talks. It has deepened my faith and love for serving others.”
-JPGMA mission trip participant.

Day 4-finishing up at Ms. Sue’s house.

“I enjoyed the work and the fellowship. It was great to attend Mass everyday.”
-JPGMA mission trip participant.

“Going to each house we needed to work on made me realize how real poverty is. Both poverty of the body, but also of the spirit. One of the best things that happened to me on this trip was seeing Mrs. Sue a second time and seeing her looking so much happier. The mission made me realize how much serving was of Jesus. “
-JPGMA mission trip participant.

“I enjoyed helping those in need and I also enjoyed the bonding experience with my friends. It made me want to continue to helping the poor. “
-JPGMA mission trip participant.

“This mission trip has shown me how insanely blessed I am. I never thought how lucky I was to have clean clothes and pillows and water and electricity and unbroken windows until we went to Ms. Sue’s house. I am entirely convinced that I am the luckiest, most blessed person in the world.”
-JPGMA mission trip participant.

THANK YOU Fr. Terrance for allowing us to stay at Holy Trinity, celebrating daily Mass for us, as well as Adoration and Reconciliation. Thank you for your tireless work to serve the poor in their material and spiritual needs all across Harlan county.

THANK YOU to Briana for all the inspiring talks and praise for our Lord and our Lady!

THANK YOU Joe & Margie! After watching the documentary Harlan, USA from their home in Minnesota in the early 80’s with their 2 small children, the Grieshop’s responded to a missionary call to serve the poor in Harlan. Joe served as the director of Christian Outreach with Appalachian People, building over 300 homes for the poor in Harlan county. Joe also served as the county judge executive for 4 terms improving the environment, access to clean water, and shelter for the poor across Harlan county. We feel so blessed to have such an amazing contractor and missionary family on our team as true examples of living a life of service and joy as they continue to build relationships with the poor in their days of retirement and do what they can to be of service to those in need.

Special Thanks:
John Paul the Great Montessori Academy
Kristin Uhlenkott
Johnny Lamirande
Steve Fitzpatrick
Fr. Terrance DeSilva
Joe & Margie Grieshop
Wendell Fields
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Sandy Miller
Briana Yedkois
The Missionaries of Charity
Alice Day
Donell Busroe
Laurie & Greg Collins
Dr. Sharon Miller

JPGMA, You are the LIGHT of the world and the SALT of the earth. Thank you each for your “yes” to serve the suffering Christ in the poor. You have brought Hope to the Hopeless, Love to the Unloved, Faith to those who Doubt, Peace to the Worried, and Joy to all those you Encountered. Your enthusiasm for mission has made me fall more in love with the great work of Catholic Mission Trips. I am so grateful to Our Lady of Guadalupe for choosing me for this! May the WORD of Jesus always be a light unto your path as you hear Him, “You did it to Me.”

I feel extremely blessed to have such an amazing missionary job. After running my 7th mission trip of the year, I am super pumped to train our mission leader staff for next summer! I am so grateful for the support of all those on my personal support team, joining me on mission in building the Kingdom of God.

Viva Cristo Rey, 
Megan Yedkois

Director of Missions

2022 Spring/Summer Mission Schedule
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By |2021-11-17T15:28:23-05:00November 17th, 2021|Latest News|0 Comments

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